Using AI for Writing…

Let me start by saying I do use Chat GPT for SIMPLE and some formal writing. I am not opposed to it.

However, as an author, I will not/have not used it for any of my professional or personal works.

As a freelancer, I have used Chat GPT to finish up a few writing tasks and polish some sentences I felt were lacking. I pride myself on my work and my ability to construct a document based on my skills. Sometimes, though, a little boost is needed.

That being said, I think it’s pretty simple to tell if a document, email, or essay has been completely compiled of AI writing. To me, it doesn’t have that “human” touch. This is especially true if you know the writer personally.

For example, an email was sent to me to proofread. Knowing the sender, the words didn’t sound like anything in their daily conversations, formal or informal. The point was made very clear, and was worded properly for the target audience, but it read in an almost robotic tone.

I’m not bashing anyone who uses it. (Like I’ve stated, I’ve used it myself for some things.) Just make sure the document sounds like you. Give it some of your personal flair. Make it yours.

Books generated on AI…we don’t have the time to dive into that today. (Face palm)






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